Monday, January 9, 2017

Hollywood is the Land of Unicorn Farts

I'm sure you've seen the buzz about Meryl Streep and her 2017 Golden Globe speech in which she rakes Donald Trump over the coals but won't speak his name (she also berates MMA and football, but we won't go into that because it may tend to make her look like a deranged screwball).  I still remember Streep's ridiculous demand a while back that everyone buy a Prius to help save the environment, but because she's just another pig-ignorant celebrity regurgitating bullshit, she obviously isn't aware that (1) 67% of electricity in the U.S. comes from coal, natural gas, and petroleum, so how does driving an electric or hybrid car really help the environment, and (2) how on earth is everyone in the U.S. going to buy a Prius when one in two working Americans make less than $30,000 a year and a Prius costs almost $25,000?  Is Ms. Streep offering to buy everyone their own Prius, or at least subsidize those who can’t afford a brand new car?

I'd take celebrities and other Liberals a little more seriously if they would stand up for what is truly right rather than the "offense du jour" by the Republicans or Conservatives.  Where was the outrage when NDAA was signed into order? Where was the outrage when Operation Fast & Furious was exposed? The NSA spying scandal? Benghazi? The Iran nuclear deal and ransom?  The IRS targeting of Conservative groups?

Please don’t misunderstand – I did not vote for Trump, but I am sick and tired of Liberals acting like everything they do and say is A-OK but everything Conservatives do and say is barbaric and wrong.

"Hollywood is willing to touch on the issue of disability without actually inviting any members of the community to partake in the conversation, according to New York Times best-selling author and disability activist Kody Keplinger.

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes,” Keplinger told The Huffington Post. She’s a co-founder of Disability in KidLit, an online resource regarding the depiction of disability in children’s and young adult literature. “The applause in the room felt almost self-congratulatory.”"

This pretty much sums it up. It seems Hollywood is only willing to touch on the issue of disability, women's rights, global warming/climate change, endangered species, etc., when they can get mileage out of it. Afterward, they all go back to their mansions and figure out how they're going to spend all their money, and forget all about the peasants until the next time they need someone to exploit.

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